Tuesday, January 21

3 Unique Facts of BBC World News to Know

The most famous international news agency is probably the BBC. Yes, the agency originated from the UK currently has official channels in many countries all around the world. In 1991, it released a 24-hour news broadcast known as BBC World News. Among many programs that are offered by the BBC, there is BBC News that is broadcasted every hour. Meanwhile, the international agency also produces BBC World News America for loyal BBC viewers who live in the USA. Meanwhile, there are some fun facts about this news agency program.

3 Unique Facts of BBC World News to Know
3 Unique Facts of BBC World News to Know

Changing the Names 3 Times

BBC released its first international broadcast under the name BBC World Service Television in 1991. The name was given to make it sound similar to another program it has, BBC World Service Radio. In 1995, the name BBC World Service turned into only BBC World. The name became a starting point of BBC World News journey internationally. Lastly, in 2008, the name was turned again into BBC World News. Sure, there are new graphic designs and music along with the change of the name. Important people behind the changes in graphic designs and music are Lambie Nairn and David Lowe.

3 Unique Facts of BBC World News to Know
3 Unique Facts of BBC World News to Know

Business Programs

Since the BBC is indeed focused on news delivery, it is actually reasonable if many of the programs are news. But aside from that, the BBC also provides other programs that focus on other sectors. One of them is Business. Those business programs are divided into some categories based on the territories the report is conducted. They are World Business report, Asia Business Report, Middle East Business Report, and India Business Report. All of them are broadcasted directly from the territory. For example, Asia Business Report directly broadcasts from Singapore. The Middle East Business Report also directly broadcasts from this area. The same thing is for the India Business Report.

 Entertainment Programs

Well, a news channel is for a long time associated only with serious programs. In fact, people sometimes also need something lighter regarding news they watch. So, the BBC has them also. One of the most favorite entertainment programs is Talking Movies. Well, this program talks about current situs judi online news and issues about Hollywood movies. You can also listen to the news about celebrities. Meanwhile, BBC also has Fast Track that talks about traveling.